jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Another Cinderella Story! Selena Dancing ever after!

This movie is another one of the Cinderella stories but I thought it was super cute. Mary Santiago (Selena Gomez) was the daughter of one of Dominique's (a famous singer) dancers. Her mother died and she didn't have a father so Dominique adopted her. Dominique was so mean that she made her do a bunch of chores for the house and she had two other sisters who made fun of her and were completely annoying. I mean, they REALLY know how to act completely annoying because I just couldn't stand them by only watching the movie. Well so then one day Joey Parker(Drew Seeley), a famous singer came back to school which was the school were Mary his sisters and Nataly the mean girl that hated Mary studied. Mary bumped into Joey one time at school and then Dominique brought him to her house. Then came the school dance and Mary was given a bunch of chores so she would not go and she had to stay at home but her best friend which had an old orange van brought to her a crew of cleaning men to do the job for her and they got dressed up and went to the dance. There she met Joey and they started to talk. Afterwards Joey asks her to dance with her and they look soooo cute together and they dance like no one in the world could but Natalie and her sisters were furious so they made her trip and it was already 12 so she had to go but she left her ipod. To her surprise when she arrived in school she found Joey doing EVERYTHING to find the girl he had danced with at the dance. Mary didn't want to tell him but her two snotty little sisters heard her talking about it with her best friend and went and told Natalie and threatened her with an old video she had saying that she loved Joey Parker and that he was so kissable. At a party they showed her video and Mary felt really bad but then she got mad put on a dress and then put the same song she had danced with Joey. They met again and they fall inlove. Natalie and the two sisters were jelous and created a plan to break them apart and they did but at the end Mary goes to Joey's concert were they show everyone how mad they were and they're dance moves and Mary is accepted at the university of her dreams and everything has a happy ending♥♥♥♥ 

Want to see the dance part? watch it NOW♥ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UH3mmVKma0&feature=related

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