miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

Dear John. Loved it!

If you are in the mood to cry and watch a very romantic movie, this is the movie! I loved it even though I cried.The story is very romantic. Its about a soldier and a college student that fall inlove during the summer but they both have to leave different ways.They communicate with each other by sending letters. I thought it was so cute! Imagine sending letters to a boyfriend who leaves faraway and is in the army and at any time you think you might lose him. Or being in the position of John, the soldier who has a girlfriend living on the other side of the world and you cannot even tell her on which part of the globe you are located.The ending to me was very disappointed though. It was the only part of the movie I did not like. Its like Idk why they spoiled the wonderful movie with the ugly ending.

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