miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

The Hangover II

Want to laugh? If you want to laugh you have to see this! I saw this movie with my friend and we laughed a lot. The Hangover II is super funny.
This movie is about Phil, Stu and Alan. Stu is getting married in Thailand and they go out to drink some beer the three and Teddy, his wife's brother. The next morning they wake up in Bangkok in a dirty hotel. The three were there with a smoking monkey but Teddy was missing.
They don't remember about the last night adventure. They had to find Teddy or else his wife's father was going to get angry. The three of them find Chow and asked him what had happened last night and Chow tells them and while talking his heart stops after snorting a line of cocaine. They went and put Chow into a ice machine. They had to find Teddy and go back. When they try to find Teddy, they were sent to prison and there they ask for Teddy and the officers give them an old monk and they don't understand why but he had Teddy's ID. The monk refuses to talk due that he has taken a vow of silence. They go to leave the monk and there they encouraged them to meditate and so meditating Alan remembers the club where they went and so they go to that street and they find it in ruins and then they find out that they were the ones who caused the fight. They continued to look for Teddy and I don't want to ruin the ending for you. If you have not seen this movie go get it now! If you have, see it again and laugh a little!

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