viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

A walk to remember

This is the cutest movie ever! I saw it two years ago and the first time I saw it, I cried. Then I have seen it like 100 times more and I still find it really nice. This movie is about a guy who wasn't exactly a good person and after an incident which involved almost killing a young man the only one found was him. In this part I got really nervous because he couldn't escape the cops. Then they found him and when he goes to school the principal punishes him making him do after school work and saturday tutoring. Landon wanted to die when he went to this tutoring and stuff and here he met Jamie. Jamie is a girl that does all the afterschool things and she was the reverend's daughter. She sang in the church and they made fun of her but she seemed as if she didn't care. Landon starts spending a lot of time with Jamie and at the end after some incidents he ends up falling inlove with her. They go out and spend a lot of time together until Jamie tells Landon that she is very sick and Landon didn't understand so Jamie tells him the truth and it was that she had Leucemia. Landon almost had a heart attack when he learned about this and both of them became really sad. At the end Landon asks Jamie to marry him. Landon  and Jamie marry and then Jamie passes away but she had saved Landon's life. Landon became a real man thanks to  Jamie.

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